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Chapter Scholarship


The Chapter supports riders who wish to further their riding education! The Chapter scholarship is designed to enhance the education of VADA-CH members, at all levels, who wish to pursue continued dressage education through clinics, symposiums, seminars, and other educational programs sponsored by either USEF, USDF, and/or VADA-CH. The dollar amounts of the scholarships will be determined by the Board of VADA-CH at the last meeting of the year or the first meeting of the following year and published scholarships are awarded annually. Scholarships are awarded once a year. 


Applicant Criteria


Applicants must have completed a minimum of 8 hours of volunteering at VADA-CH events in the year prior to the scholarship year for which they are applying for a scholarship. Separate from hours used for eligibility for Chapter Year End Awards. Four (4) hours must be earned at the VADA-CH licensed show and four (4) hours in other volunteer activities. Scholarship recipients must complete an additional 8 hours of volunteering at VADA-CH events during the year in which they were awarded the scholarship.


Hours cannot be donated by another member for the scholarship.


Applicants must have been a VADA-CH member for at least one year prior to applying. 

Scholarship Application Process

The Board will review each application with a uniform set of criteria to ensure equity among applicants. The criteria include benchmarks as the length of VADA-CH membership, volunteer history, other scholarships received, any previous awards and recognition. The Board will notify all applicants of the outcome. Those who are awarded scholarships will be notified by a “Letter of Award” which outlines how the scholarship can be used, as well as requesting the recipient submit an essay sharing their experience which will be published in the VADA-CH newsletter.

Scholarship must be used within one year from the date of the award. Award recipients must wait a period of one year from receipt of their award before they may reapply.

Virginia Dressage Association Charlottesville Chapter
a USDF Region 1 GMO
a 501c3 non-profit organization
a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)
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